Go big or go home is bollocks

Go big or go home – not helpful advice guys

Inspirational, motivating and macho as hell, but also just the dumbest advice you will ever hear. What started as an ad line for Harley exhaust pipes has become a by-line for achievement through max effort.

In fact most of the go-biggers actually do end up at home, or at least back where they started. They’re fatigued early, injured, burned out, and ambitions and dreams don’t get met.

In reality it is the small step brigade that get to the finish line, be it in the gym, in any business, and it’s really true when it comes to how healthy you are.

Small steps are simple, and so are the gains. Each day you get a little bit better from the place you were the day before. On a day-to-day basis the gains may seem trivial, too small even to notice, but looking back over weeks, months and years, the gains can be enormous.

Successful athletes gain momentum through their event, just as successful people build relationships and skills as they go along. It’s that way with getting back to good health too. We start small, walking a little, cutting back on some eating or drinking, switching one negative thought for a positive one……then bank that gain and tomorrow take one more step.

When it comes down to doing the right thing for your body, avoid at all costs the thrill and machismo that comes with “going big”. You are setting yourself up to fail when you boldly declare you are going to drop 20 kilos, give up carbs, give away the grog……big hairy goals.

Instead, aim to lose a kilo every fortnight, eat one healthier meal each week, cut back on the number of drinks you have. Take last week’s gains and add a little this week. It’s an upward spiral you will hardly notice you are on.

No one day is heroic, but the accumulation of many can be.


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Here’s how to get started on an exercise routine

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