Check out a prostate check

Jeremy and Mark double date for a prostate check

Sharp presenter Jeremy Wells accompanied MHW ambassador Mark Sainsbury on a double date as part of Men’s Health Week recently. The pair were off to meet another MHW ambassador, Dr Tom Mulholland, who gave each a quick and accurate test of the health of their prostates.

There is so much more myth than reality when men discuss getting a physical prostate check, and frankly it’s all bull. The DRE takes two minutes, it’s painless, and getting one certainly does not make you anything other than clever.

If you’re over 50, include the prostate check in your next discussion with your doctor. Done in conjunction with a PSA test (from a small blood sample), it gives your doctor the best picture possible of the health of your prostate gland.

Big thanks from MHW to the great team at Seven Sharp and to Jeremy Wells in particular for being brave enough to be a role model for a prostate check on national television. Good on ya guys.